Sunday, September 16, 2012

Visual Literacy, Media Literacy, and New Media Literacies (Readings)

I have two readings this week to talk about.

The first reading is titled "Media Literacy - A National Priority for a Changing World". It is by Elizabeth Thoman and Tessa Jolls. It appears to be an article from a journal called American Behavioral Scientist. The article dealt with how important media messages have become in the world. It also talked about the need to develop media literacy in order to properly interact with this new world. This is a very important and often discussed issue anymore. It is thinking along this line, in fact, that lead to me pursuing my master's in this field.  Kids need to be trained to survive in today's culture, not yesterday's. It marks a break in thinking about education, but it is a very important break.

The second reading is titled "Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century". It is by Henry Jenkins with assistance from Katie Clinton, Ravi Purushotma, Alice J. Robison, Margaret Weigel. The paper was published by the MacArthur Foundation. The paper addressed the addition of technology as a component of culture and the skills that children are going to need in order to be a part of the new technological culture. This is all very important and true information. I pursued technology knowledge in order to provide answers to some of these needs. It is a huge part of today's world and anyone who is missing out is facing huge challenges in being a part of culture.

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