Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Digital Equity (Readings)

I have three readings associated with this topic.

The first reading appears to be an introduction section to a book called Toward Digital Equity: Bridging the Divide in Education. The introduction is titled "Educational Technology and Equity". It was written by Gwen Solomon and Nancy J. Allen. This really introduced the concepts of digital equity and the digital divide by outlining what they look like. It is to  answer many of these issues that I chose to pursue a Masters Degree in this particular program. However, it goes even a little further than first thought. I rarely remember that the education of the teacher and what they can offer to students does play into the issue of equity. Therefore, it is all the better that I am trying to become better educated.

The second reading appears to be an article from a journal called Technology & Learning. It is titled "Digital Equity: It's Not Just About Access Anymore" and is by Gwen Solomon. This does more about pointing out the ways in which digital equity is needed but is not being met. The more that I read about it, the more that I realize just how complex of an issue this is. However, it is something that demands to be addressed on many grounds, so we need to start taking some real steps in the direction of fixing things.

The third and final reading is an article from the journal Educational Policy. It is titled "Technology and Equity in Schooling: Deconstructing the Digital Divide" and was written by Mark Warschauer, Michele Knobel, and Leeann Stone. This article discusses a study where they looked at technology use in low and high economic areas in California. It helped to illustrate a main point for me. The problem anymore is less access than how effectively is technology used. It is really sad to see some of the things that can and do go wrong with it in schools. I have to believe that we can do better and that I'm going to do my part to help.

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