Monday, November 19, 2012

Digital Equity (Reflection)

I wanted to discuss something that I have been thinking about for a little bit since class ended last week.

Digital equity and equity in general is very hard to define. It almost seems like it should be conditional, but then again, equity means being fair. Is being fair a conditional thing? In that case, I'm not so sure. I find it somewhat hard to try to pursue equity and digital equity when it is hard to see for sure what that might mean.

Then there is the whole political argument within the country. How is it possible to pursue equity when it seems to be a middle ground in a very heated and controversial debate? Neither side ever is willing to give in a little and compromise, it seems. I feel like it almost causes more confrontation. Then again, is equity just dependent on your viewpoint?

It gets confusing and more than a little distressing.

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